Aegys s.r.l.


AEGYS and its network proposes a distinctive offer for companies that aim to benefit from a support partner able to frame and manage a whole range of business needs: from tax and accounting to IT services, from marketing and internationalization to corporate and organizational strategies, from finding financial resources (tenders, funding) to managing and protecting intellectual property.


With the combined effect of globalization and the digital revolution of the last two decades, the business skills landscape has become increasingly complex, dynamic and difficult to interpret for Italian SMEs. This is why we provide our customers with a mix of complementary skills capable of covering a wide range of needs, having as partners a team of professionals able to identify and implement solutions in a fast and sustainable way.



We bring the value of skills gained through experiences in high-profile professional areas. We believe in the evolution and continuous learning achieved by tackling increasingly complex and demanding challenges as much as remunerative for us and for our customers.

Goal orientation

Goal orientation

The definition of precise and shared goals is for us the first step towards their achievement. We want to overcome a relationship model based on habit by working on obtaining measurable and controllable results. For this reason we adopt a planning perspective in which premises, context, responsibility and purpose must be clear.

Transparency towards the customer

Transparency towards the customer

An open and transparent dialogue with the customer is an essential condition to guarantee the quality levels to which we aim. Our approach is based on a high level of customer information and involvement – to create substantial value in terms of a common learning and evolution path.

Find out what Aegys can do for your business We invite you to contact us, you will find in us an organization capable of speaking proactively: we will take care of framing the needs of your company to formulate an intervention plan with pragmatic and efficient results that are expected and measurable.